

Mrs. Heidi Johnson

Kindergarten Teacher

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In Jesus Time, the two parables, The Good Samaritan & The Farmer and the Good Soil were discussed. Also the 5th Commandment. We all made it through five scoops of words which means Friday we get to have a homemade ice cream party! Woot, woot!  In our Secret stories/Blends book we practiced the “th” sound (thank, mother, path). We look forward to our Valentine’s Party on Friday. We are starting our grocery store which gives the kids a fun way to practice counting money. If you  have any groceries you would like to donate to our store (empty boxes or plastic containers) send them in! Our main supplier, Miss Mary, has gotten us off to a great start! 🙂  A little yellow chart has been sent home to help your child work on being responsible. Hang it where they can look at it every day. No School Monday.
