Scripture Alone | Grace Alone
Faith Alone | Christ Alone
General Info
Frequently Asked Questions
Service Times
Divine Service: 9:00am
Sunday School/Bible Class: 10:15am
What We Believe
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We hold firmly to the teachings given to us in Holy Scripture and explained to us in the Lutheran Confessions and Small and Large Catechism. Learn More
Holy Communion is for those who believe as we do in this Sacrament of the Altar. We believe it is the true body and blood of Jesus Christ, in, with, and under the bread and the wine, given for the forgiveness of our sins. Since we practice closed communion, we only commune those who are also members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Please talk to pastor to learn more. We welcome your questions and interest.
Following Along
Each of our services provides a bulletin so that you can participate in the worship service.
What Should I Wear
It is common to see worshipers dressed in everything from neat casual to “Sunday best.” Wear what you feel is comfortable and appropriate.
Children in Church
Dear Parents,
Your children are the future of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and the Church at large. We rejoice with you in the gift of your little ones and know that God gave them the vibrant energy that causes them to wiggle and make noise. They belong right here in God’s house where you have so faithfully brought them. Stick with it! We encourage you to teach them about the different parts of the service and explain what the pastor is doing. Remember, children learn the language of faith the same way they learn everything else; by watching and listening to YOU!
There may be times your child needs to be taken out of the sanctuary but remember that you and your child belong in the presence of Jesus. Correct and calm as best as your can and return as soon as possible.
Teaching children to sit and participate is challenging. It may even take a few years. But it will be worth it! The writer of Proverbs says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Dear Members of St. Paul’s,
Children in our sanctuary are truly a gift from God and a sign that our church is alive and growing. We encourage you to greet the children with a smile and build up and encourage the parents in love.
This is an opportunity in our service for us to be able to give back to God out of what He has first given to us. We do not expect visitors to participate unless they also are moved to express thankfulness to God for what He has done.
Our Mission
Seeking to honor and glorify God, to carry out His will, spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and risen, and advance the kingdom of God both locally and around the world.
Latest Sermon
Sunday Service: February 2, 2025
4th Sunday after Epiphany