1st & 2nd Grade


Miss Cindy Fitzner

1st & 2nd Grade Teacher

Contact Me


What a fantastic class! Memory and Spelling: Check your child’s Homework Folder for the lists.  Spelling: Gr. 2: how, count, cow, clown, house, town, loud, now, ouch, down, towel, about, found, cloud. Gr. 1: bite, kite, time, life, line, mine, hive, pine. Valentine Party: Thank you to these families for helping with the party: Arndt, Ekstrom, Glaser/Luedtke, Green, Matthews, Slabbert! Thinking ahead: Fine Arts Festival at MLHS: Saturday, March 8.: Gr. 1 and 2 will participate in one scheduled event, (In the morning) and will also sing with our choir and the mass choir. More details soon! We continue to read for the A.R. Challenge! Happy Birthday Matthew!





Miss Cindy Fitzner

1st & 2nd Grade Teacher

Contact Me